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5 Team-Building Activities You Need to Try to Motivate Your Employees

Jun 08, 2022

Want a great way to boost morale and help employees feel more connected? Discover the best way to increase employee motivation through team-building activities.

Are you searching for ways to boost morale while helping your employees feel more connected with each other? An average of 65 percent of employees report that they are satisfied with their job.

This statistic can vary quite a bit based on the company and industry where an employee works. In today's fast-paced business environment, there can be a lot of pressure to perform at a high level at all times. It's important to maintain a positive environment for your employees to avoid burnout and stay happy.

Read on to learn five team-building activities you need to try to improve employee motivation!

1. Enjoy a Day Cruise

You can improve employee engagement and motivation by scheduling a day cruise for your office. A day cruise is a great opportunity to get out of the office and give your staff members a chance to relax and be themselves.

The cruise company you pick should offer a wide range of activities based on what you want. Some of the most popular ones are an open bar, live music, and world-class dining. 

Day cruises can range in duration and cost, with some as short as only a few hours to up to a half-day or longer. Your team will enjoy sailing away from the office to get to know one another while also de-compressing together.

This unique event will feel like taking a mini-vacation while making last memories with co-workers!

2. Attend a Sporting Event

Looking for another great way how to boost employee morale? Take your team to a live sporting event! Even if your area does not have a major league franchise, a live sporting event at any level can be an exciting experience.

The professional sports industry often offers special packages meant for team-building activities. These will range in price but can be as simple as a discounted price for a block of tickets up to a special section reserved just for your office.

A sporting event will take your team out from behind their desks and is a positive experience for all those in attendance. You will also put a smile on your employees' faces by offering vouchers for drinks and food, or a buffet option.

3. Take Your Team Out to Dinner

Sharing a meal outside the office is a great way to enjoy your team's company and have a great conversation. Although it may be more convenient to order food for delivery into your office, it won't have the same impact as a night out together.

Instead of picking a restaurant and letting your employees know after the fact, you will make your staff feel more valued by taking part in the decision. One of the ways you can do this is to announce a date for the dinner and request ideas.

This gives your employees something unique to look forward to while also generating conversation about something besides day-to-day operations in your office. 

When you take your employees out to dinner, you should also make it as stress-free as possible. Some of the ways to do this are to encourage them to order alcohol if they want it and to enjoy whatever meal they want.

Besides being a kind gesture, it also sends your employees a message that you trust them to make responsible decisions.

4. Volunteer Together

Participating in a volunteer activity is an effective way to have fun together while also making a positive impact in your community. It is also a good opportunity for your business to earn some goodwill.

Did you know that 63 million people volunteer their time and efforts in the United States each year? This makes up about 25 percent of the adult population in the country. 

There are many different kinds of volunteer activities that you and your team can take part in. These include simpler activities like working at a food kitchen or a fundraising event. Bigger commitments can range from beautification projects at a playground or facility in the community or assisting with building a home for a family in need.

Your team will enjoy the opportunity to do something meaningful for someone else. When the volunteer experience is over, you may consider scheduling a lunch or other gathering to celebrate your group's accomplishments.

5. Attend a Convention

A leadership development company can help you put on a convention that is beneficial to your business and the industry you work in. If you don't put on one of your events, you could choose to attend one that is taking place near you.

There are many different reasons why going to a convention can improve employee engagement and motivation. Paying for your employees to attend a convention sends a strong message that you are willing to invest in their professional development.

At a convention, your employees will meet other people in your industry. They will also have the chance to learn about developing areas in your field and represent your company to the public.

Your employees can use these lessons in the workplace and mentor other members of your staff.

Boosting Employee Motivation Now

Increasing employee motivation is a great way for you to increase productivity and happiness in your workplace. You can help your employees feel better about working for you by putting yourself in their position.

Consider what matters the most to your employees and how to deliver an experience that will leave a lasting impression. By thinking about your staff members and their needs, you will learn more about these individuals. You will also discover how to uniquely connect with them.

Are you interested in other great ways to improve the day-to-day operations at your company? Check out our blog section for other great posts with tips and tricks to start using today!

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